Product Details
IC3 GS4 Spark Practice Tests
GMetrix Tests

With a focus on younger demographics, the IC3 Spark certification addresses the same foundational concepts as its precursor – the IC3 Digital Literacy Certification. While both certifications target issues arising from the increasing demands of technology, IC3 Spark is created for younger children who may be new to computers and the Internet, or who lack a solid foundation in digital concepts.

GMetrix has prepared exam-focused training to help you be successful in passing your IC3 Spark certification exams. The GMetrix IC3 Spark practice test products map directly to certification exam objectives.


  • Spark
    • Covers a foundation in digital concepts. 


  • 2 Practice Tests


  • Internet Explorer 9 or later, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari
  • Flash plugin installed 
  • High-speed Internet connection
  • Prior coursework or experience with IC3 Spark recommended


This practice test bundle is preparation for the official IC3 GS4 Spark certification exam.


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